Friday, March 9, 2018


It's very likely that this isn't the first, and won't be the last, open letter you at the NRA are going to get but here goes.  

This letter is specifically addressed to Dana Loesch who seems to make her living schilling for the NRA and levying threats against nearly the entire country; at least against anyone who doesn't support the NRA's terrorist-like hold on some of our elected public servants.

Dear Dana,

I've seen your little videos and I've got to say that nothing you say in them puts you personally in a very positive light or communicates that you are someone who is the least bit likable.  I've seen you threaten the mainstream media, Hollywood, teenagers and non-gun owners telling us all that our time is almost up. To be clear here it is you and the NRA who's time is almost up.  We aren't afraid of you. We may have kowtowed to the NRA in the past, with most of us believing that you are a HUGE multi-million member majority of people who all have guns and are ready to use them on the rest of us, but no more. 

The gig is up. We are AWAKE, we American's, and we know now that your measly little five million or so members aren't but a drop in the bucket to the approximately 326,766,748 people who currently reside in this country and I'm going to assume that at least two thirds of those are adults. We also know that you get your money not from your few million members but from gun and ammunition manufacturer's who send you to Washington DC to lobby on their behalf; to boost their gun and ammo sales.  We see that you lobby against even the most sensible and reasonable gun controls laws while you spread the propaganda that even the most inconsequential gun control law is the first step to taking everyone's guns away to people who quite honestly don't get out much into the wide wide world and who trust you as an information source.  We see how you bully your opponents, throw your money from your benefactors around and how you buy politicians.  We see all of that and while in the past we may have been intimidated by you, believing that you are too big for us to fight, we have been woken by a small group of calm and rational teenagers who will not be denied their right to be heard and to shape new legislation that will be designed to keep not only kids safe but the general public as well. We are no longer afraid of you and we are coming for you, for the NRA, with our votes to vote out those politicians who take your money are are owned by you.

Here's the deal girlfriend. WE are not just people who don't own guns. WE are people who own guns, who enjoy target shooting, who enjoy hunting ethically, who believe that any adult who chooses to be responsible with guns has the right to own them. WE are gun owners, gun lovers, former military people, hunters, mothers, fathers and we will no longer be intimidated by you, by your threats, by your rhetoric, by your politicians, by your measly few supporters or by your propaganda.

Let US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, make this perfectly clear. You can threaten us all you want but they are empty threats by people who are running scared and we KNOW IT NOW so it is YOU who needs to know that your time is up.

The United States of America who respects the 2nd amendment and will keep it but who understands that assault weapons do not need to be owned by the general public.

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